U.S. Government Finally Admits That Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells And Protects Healthy Cells
By Brandon Marji
For nearly a century, cannabis has been demonized as a gateway drug. Granted, some of its side effects might include impairing certain cognitive skills, but there are also many positives to the plant. We are noticing this because of the recent legalization of this plant in many U.S. states. In addition, a quiet, but stunning acknowledgment has come from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that cannabis destroys cancer cells without harming normal cells.
If you are unfamiliar with cannabis, MedicineNet defines cannabis as a plant that derives from the family of plants which includes hemp. They add that cannabis can either be smoked or eaten and it can produce a mild sense of euphoria. In regards to how the NIC came to this acknowledgment, they explain on their website that studies in mice and rats have shown that cannabinoids could inhibit tumor growth. One of the best ways to inhibit tumor growth is to destroy the cancer cells, and they are claiming that cannabinoids can do that. They also claim that cannabinoids can block cell growth as well as the development of blood vessels that tumors need to grow.
To read more: https://www.providr.com/cannabis-destroys-cancer-cells/